Autonomous Mobile Robot for Agricultural Automation

Testing servo and stepper motor controls for automated plant trimming mechanism

Iteration 1

Iteration 2

Hybrid Tendon Pneumatic Actuation for Biomimicry

3D-printed using TPU-90A, featuring antagonistic pairs that enable independent control of the bending at the base and tip to achieve the desired curvature of the tongue. A soft elastomeric shell (not shown in the video) incorporates pneumatically actuated, sequentially timed inflating chambers to replicate the bulging motion of a swallowing action.

Soft Robotics

Untethered Microcombustion for Soft Elastomeric Actuators

Bio-Inspired Vibrating Soft Actuator for Underwater Acoustic Applications

ROS LiDAR Gmapping, Hector SLAM, and live point cloud for 2D mapping

Linear Stage Control for Confocal Depth Scanner

Embedded Systems for Real-Time Computer Vision for Semantic Segmentation and Pose Tracking

ES-EKF, AMCL, RRT, and SLAM implementation on iRobot

Systems Engineering Tools

Use Case Diagram

Requirements Diagram